What are my steps to enrolling?
- Contact Giggly Hugs via phone or email to reserve a spot
- Pay your $150 deposit fee via check, cash or our online payment system. This fee is applied to your account and can be used towards your first week’s tuition. The only way you forfeit it is if we save the spot and you decide not to use us for care.
- Fill out your registration forms completely. These forms are due 2 days before the start of care or on the Friday before a Monday start.
I know lunches are provided by the parent, should we pack snacks too?
No, we will provide the snacks and drinks each day. We also provide milk at lunchtime, so you do not need to worry about packing a drink for lunch.
Do you ever close for holidays or inclement weather?
We are closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. We close early at 4:30 on the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. We have never closed for weather-related issues and do not plan unless the weather is so bad that nobody can leave their home?.
What happens if my child is ill?
We know how important it is for you to be able to get to work each day. We make sure that a child is truly ill before we send them home or ask you to keep them home. If a child has a temperature of 101 or higher, 3 diarrhea episodes within 1 hour or vomiting they will need to stay home until they are symptom-free for 24 hours.
What are your hours of operation?
We are open 5:45 am-6:00 pm Monday-Friday
Do you accept drop in or part time care?
Yes, we do. Drop in care is based on schedule availability at the same cost as regular care fees. Half day care is offered for children ages 2 and up either 5:45 am-12:00 pm or 12:00 pm-6:00 pm. We also offer part-time full days for all ages with a 2 day/week minimum.
Do you accept families who use state assistance for tuition?
Yes, we do. Please contact us if you have further questions about the process.
What should we bring each day or to keep at Giggly Hugs?
Infant parents should bring enough bottles for a full day’s feedings, formula (can be stored at GH) or breast milk, pacifiers or other soothing items, diapers (cloth or disposable), unscented wipes to be used in a wipe share, 2 changes of clothes and baby food/snacks (if applicable).
Parents of older children should bring appropriate outdoor gear, change of clothes (if a child has accidents 3-5 outfits should be supplied), lunch, diapers (if needed), unscented wipes to be shared and sunscreen in the summer.
How often do you clean and sanitize?
Cleaning and sanitizing happen daily. We have teacher checklists in each room so that everything gets properly sanitized as we go through the day. In the infant and toddler rooms, we have “mouthed” buckets where toys go after they have been chewed or sucked on?. His bucket gets properly sanitized before it goes back into the rotation for others to play with. In addition, when we do have different illnesses going around, we staff extra teachers to help do an extra round of cleaning to combat the increased germs.
What is your vacation/sick day policy?
We charge tuition on a slot system. This means parents reserve their schedule and are financially responsible for those days throughout the year. We give each child 2 weeks, of their regular schedule, worth of vacation day credits to use each year (our year runs September-September). Parents may use these days to cover an illness, vacation, holiday that falls on their regularly scheduled day or a random day off. These do not need to be requested in advance.
What type of education do your teachers have?
We require all of our lead teachers to be on an educational path if they don’t yet have a degree. Some are working on degrees, while others have completed Associates and Bachelor’s Degrees. In addition, all of our staff have current CPR, Shaken Baby Prevention, Child Abuse and Neglect and SIDS Prevention training.
Do you have any bilingual staff members?
Yes, we do. We generally have between 2-4 staff members who speak Spanish.